Trish Morin
Forever Honorary President
Mike’s Mom
Beloved Mother To Many
August 5, 1937 – April 3, 2017

Tom Loyer
Tom is a Project Manager for Engineers Construction, Inc. focused on business development. Prior to joining the team at Engineers Construction, Inc., Tom owned and operated Trenchless Technologies of New England, Inc. During his nineteen years at this company, Tom worked along side his brother, Mike, to promote and develop the trenchless industry within New England. Tom attended Champlain College to study business and has served on several boards, including The Associated General Contractors of Vermont. Additionally, he has a great deal of volunteer experience with associations such as the Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #793, Shelburne Little League, CSB Youth Hockey, and The Champlain Valley Union High School Football Booster Board. Tom and his wife Lori are residents of Shelburne and have two children, Emmaleigh and Jake.

Steve Loyer
Steve is the President and Owner of the Tech Group and Tech Vault, 2 local IT companies. He has been self-employed since 2004. His companies annually support a number of charities in the local area. He is a founding member and Co-Chair of a local community building group called “PACT” Parents and Adults Celebrating Children and Teens. This group was founded in 2008. The PACT Vision is to build and sustain a community of respect, compassion, and equality. PACT is fully committed to listening to the voices of children, teenagers, and adults and empowering those voices with respect and sincerity through dialogue and action. Steve has resided in South Burlington with his wife Mary and 2 daughters, Kasey and Karly, since 1990.

Chris Ray
Chris is employed by Farrell Distributing Corp. as the Information Technology Manager and Customer Service Manager. He graduated from Vermont Technical College with a degree in Electrical Engineering. He served on the Essex Town Little League Board of Directors and has volunteered as a couch for T-Ball, Softball and Soccer in Essex for many years. Chris lives in Essex with his 2 children.
Sara Wallen
Sara has worked for Engineers Construction Inc for the past 20 years. She has had many hats and is currently the Construction Administrator. She enjoys traveling with her husband, Ron, to different parts of the US and Caribbean. Sara and her husband Ron reside in Grand Isle, VT and have two boys, Jordan and Ethan.

Bill Allen
Bill is the director of sales for The Hickok and Boardman Life insurance division, and has been in the Life Insurance business since 1987 serving individuals and businesses. He has been a board member of The Make a Wish Foundation, The Boys and Girls Club, The Vermont Children’s Trust Foundation, Shelburne Little League and other groups. He is a co-founder of Forever Young Treehouses as well as Santa Night. Additionally he has coached dozens of seasons of youth baseball and basketball. Bill met Mike Loyer one night at the Poor House and next thing he knew Mike was showing up to volunteer his time for various causes. He has joined the board to give back to Mike Loyer’s spirit of giving.

John Boardman
John, a Burlington native, attended local schools and graduated from the University of Vermont. He Retired from the U.S. House of Representatives, Office of The Sergeant at Arms, Chamber Security Division in 2014. During his 25 years in Washington Bucko served under 6 Speakers, and had the good fortune to meet 7 U.S. Presidents and many World Leaders. He was active for many years in all aspects of Real Estate including, sales, mortgages and appraisals. John currently resides in North Palm Beach, Florida.

David Boera
David (“Bo” to most) has been a Classic Mike Loyer board member, and their resident art director, since the Foundation’s inception, and a proud card-carrying Loyer-Morin brother from another mother for life. For twenty-nine years he has been employed by the Tech Group in South Burlington, currently serving as their Director of Cloud Services. He attended Lyndon State College, and the University of Vermont, receiving an Associate’s Degree in General Studies. David also bartends at The Fraternal Order of Eagles’ Aerie #793, in South Burlington, another non-profit organization which raises money for many great causes. He’s the standing Commissioner and 7-time Champion of the (currently limbo-ed) Bo & Dundee’s Fantasy Football League, founded in 1990, and a former youth baseball, basketball, and soccer coach. He resides in the south end of Burlington with his wife Amy. Amy and David have four grown children – Ryan, Shanley, Aidan, and Gabrielle. They love to travel to places they’ve never been, and go to as many concerts and find as many nature trails that their personal time will allow.
Douglas Dubie
Doug is a Sergeant with the South Burlington Police Department. He has been employed by the City for over 21 years and has had the opportunity to hold numerous jobs within the Police Department. He is a Nationally Certified Risk Assessment Expert. Doug has been highly involved in training his fellow police officers, having been a certified police trainer for several years. He has been a volunteer football coach at Rice Memorial High School. Doug is a graduate of Norwich University and is a resident of South Burlington.

Barbara Leggett
Barb is the most recent addition to the Classic Mike Loyer Foundation Board of Directors. She attended Champlain Valley Union High School and is a graduate of Fanny Allen School of Nursing, class of 1979. Barb has worked in nursing for the past 38 years, with 24 years at Mountain Health Center in Bristol, VT and 11 years at the Green Mountain Nursing home in Colchester, VT. She also volunteers each summer as a nurse at Zeno Mountain Farm camp, which is an inclusive community for friends with and without disabilities. Outside of work, Barb enjoys traveling, reading and time with her family. She and her husband Bill reside in Hinesburg near their two sons, Josh and Brad, and five beautiful grandchildren.

Emmaleigh Loyer

Jake Loyer
Jake is a recent graduate of the University of Mississippi. He holds a Bachelors of Arts, earned with honors, in International Relations Political Science, Italian, and European History. Jake served on several boards during his time at the University, including the Ole Miss College Republicans (Chairman), Mississippi Federation of College Republicans (Fundraising Chair), Ole Miss Model United Nations (Vice President, President), Ole Miss Alexander Hamilton Society (Fundraising and Recruitment Chair), Ole Miss Italian Club (President), and the Ole Miss Associated Student Body (Parliamentarian, Director of Recruiting). Jake currently works as an assistant manager at Jinsei Sushi, which has been named the best sushi restaurant in the state of Mississippi. He was raised in Shelburne, Vermont and now resides in Oxford, MS.
Kevin McGonagle
Kevin has been employed by United Parcel Service for 34 plus years with the majority of that time as a District Security Supervisor. He is a graduate of Burlington High School and Champlain College. He spent several years selling commercial and residential real estate. He has previously served as a Board Member for King Street Youth Center and is currently a Trustee with the Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #793. Kevin and his wife Lisa reside in South Burlington, VT and have 3 grown children.

Jay Morin
Jay is a native Vermonter who grew up in South Burlington and has resided in Chittenden County his entire life. He is a proud father to 3 children and enjoys spending time with his three grandchildren. While raising his children in Colchester, Jay found much enjoyment in coaching softball and baseball for many years. Jay relaxes by playing his guitar and singing, fishing anytime the fish will bite, and spending time with family and friends. Jay spent his early years owning and managing an automotive repair and service business and then moved on to managing a uniform and linen supply company for 20 years. Jay has spent the last 10 years of his career working for the City of Burlington Public Works Department.

Catherine Renaudette
Catherine Renaudette is a Real Estate Investor and Philanthropist. Now retired, Catherine has owned and operated several businesses with her husband Steven in field of Real Estate, The Automotive Industry, Entertainment, and Homemade Vermont Goods. Catherine has served as a business and financial consultant to other entrepreneurs. She recently accepted a volunteer position within the board of Milton Eagles. Additionally she has volunteered with or donated to causes, such as The Classic Michael Loyer Foundation, The Holiday Project, Police and Fire Associations, Various Cancer Organizations, The Children’s Hospital, Elder Care Organizations, Animal Welfare Organizations, and many other individual cases of persons in need. Catherine resides in Colchester with her husband Steven and their 2 rescue dogs Tula and Cooper.

Kasey Zonnevylle
Kasey works at the Tech Group as their Service Desk Coordinator. She graduated from Naropa University in Boulder CO with a degree in Visual Arts and minors in Art Therapy and Traditional Eastern Arts. Kasey enjoys spending time with family & friends, being out in nature, and making art. Kasey and her husband Austin are residents of South Burlington.
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